Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Music is DEAD and so is Consciousness

Music is dead…It died…RIP …well almost…let’s say it’s in a coma because there’s still some brain activity, but it sure looks dead…When grown men whine and call it singing, I get confused…Guess that’s why I love oldies…When a retarded midget is in discussion surrounding the “best rapper alive” and is considered by many to have the “title”, we have a problem. When Gucci mane is ALLOWED to release an album and is PAID to perform at a prominent HBCU, the end is near. And when Hurricane Chris sells 1 album, the Mayans may have been right. If you don’t get it, read a book, Google it, ignore it, whatever you’re comfortable with…When women complain about men’s infidelity, but sing along to the retarded midget’s “hit”, “every girl”, we have a serious problem..Well, that’s right after they finish singing and dancing to “Suck it or Not”…When “every girl” is played on the radio, performed at award shows, and is considered a “hit”, the end is near…When a man can say “I’ll take your girl from you and make her kill for me, steal for me, slut for me, and of course it’ll be your cash and I’ll murder that b!@*# and send her body back to your ass” and be given National air time, called the “best rapper alive”, and not be questioned, the world has lost consciousness…and that’s your favorite rapper…Something is wrong!...Children listen to the radio, and they are not STUPID…When Usher gets a divorce and his first words on a remix are “Which 2 of yal coming home with Usher”, we understand why he’s divorced…When women say they need a man, then want the title GIRLfriend and give him the title BOYfriend, no wonder it doesn’t work. There’s a HUGE difference between a BOY and a MAN. The difference lies in RESPONSIBILITY...Well, you get what you seek…I’m glad I found out what success is, all I had to do was cut on the radio and there it was, SUCCESS=Money, Cars, Clothes, Hoes..Sing along ladies...then ask why your man cheats…He’s chasing the last piece to the puzzle…He’s almost there, don’t worry…Umm, yea, something’s not right about that…Haven’t put my finger on it just yet…I learned that grinding is now considered “dancing”, I never knew that. For some strange reason I had a different picture of what dancing was, I was trippin…that’s the only way men and women know how to dance nowadays, and isn’t that reflective of how their relationships go, women are just objects for the man’s lower desires, or as some women say, “or vice versa”…um, uh, right…*sidebar*some men, uh, I mean males, pardon me, there’s a difference[for women who say there’s a lack of good MEN, you are correct. There are plenty of males though, pick one,smh]as I was saying, these males will have sex with ANYTHING. I look around and see some of these young girls, females, whatever, with children and think, “a blind man wouldn’t lay down with that”.smh, sad…When confused children have children, and raise children, the future looks dim…when Muslims, who most people recognize when they are out of line(yal don’t eat pork right, yal don’t drink right, yal supposed to wait to have sex right, yal supposed to dress modestly right…)are no longer recognized in the same way, and blend in with the crowd, and follow everything that goes against their teachings,smh... again, the Mayans may have been right…Good news!The 3 major religions have more in common now, they all have an ample amount of HYPOCRITES…”The majority is wrong the majority of the time”-ME..Let’s hope I’m wrong in Obama’s case…Whatever the majority of people say is “ok”, I’m staying far from it…People love to evoke Jesus and do everything he was against, and nothing he was for...WWJD, WWMD,WWMD…but who cares, live life to the “fullest”, whatever that means…I need help, someone explain this to me please…When someone who kills a pregnant woman is charged with 2 counts of murder, one for the woman, and one for the unborn child, but the woman can have the unborn child killed, aborted, call it what you want, with no consequences, again, something doesn’t seem right [special cases aside, such as rape or potential physical harm to the mother]...When people will do anything for money (green paper…) and God is taken out of and off of everything but money, clearly MONEY has become “god”,and there is a problem…but what do I know.

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